Monday, February 13, 2017

But It Will Be Volatile. Scott Is Favoring Stocks In Sectors That Typically Benefit At The Outset Of A Rally.

"The attempt at reforms (of taxes, corporate cash repatriation and regulatory burdens) could increase the federal budget deficit," Aquilar said. "There is a potential for trade wars. Emerging markets are still landing. A strong U.S. currency could hurt exports. Those headwinds could backfire into our economy and markets." On balance, Aquilar is guardedly bullish. "On a net basis we will see the market trend up," he said. "But it will be volatile." Scott is favoring stocks in sectors that typically benefit at the outset of a rally. "Many think we're in the midcycle of a recovery," she said. "But we had a significant corporate-profits recession. So to me this feels like an early-stage economic recovery, and that's when you want to shift more asset weight into technology, financials, energy and industry." Consumer discretionary is usually part of that early-stage recovery party.

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There are an estimated 4.3 million tenants in the private rental market. "Whether you're trying to buy or you're trying to rent, housing in this country has become less and less affordable because for 30 or 40 years governments have not built enough homes and this White Paper is fundamentally trying to do something about that," Mr Barwell said. The focus on rentable homes was welcomed by Rico Wojtulewicz of the House Builders' Association, which represents small and medium-sized house builders. Mr Wojtulewicz said that if small and medium enterprises were better enabled to build, "you get the right type of homes in the right areas". He told the BBC: "Concentrating too much on volume house-building, as we've seen in the last decade, is problematic - not just for supply, but the type of supply." Rob Warm from the National Housing Federation said many people in the rented sector are receiving a "very poor" and "insecure service". He said:" I think those people deserve better and what government is saying today shows that they think these people deserve better as well." 'Cherished notion' Mark Lobel, BBC political correspondent Image copyright Getty Images It's been a long-cherished notion in the Conservative Party that people want to own their own homes. From Margaret Thatcher's sale of council houses in the 1980s, to David Cameron's Help to Buy scheme offering generous loans for first-time buyers. In the forthcoming housing White Paper, Help to Buy and other schemes should remain but the Housing Minister Gavin Barwell said people should expect a change of tone too. More help is promised for those who cannot afford to own, or prefer to rent - by cutting rents and increasing the length of tenancy agreements.

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